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News > Alumni Spotlight > David Braga | CEO of IJM 

David Braga | CEO of IJM 

8 May 2024
Alumni Spotlight

Trinity Alumni, David Braga ('87) has been appointed the new CEO of International Justice Mission (IJM) Australia, the world’s largest anti-slavery organisation. 

IJM works to combat modern slavery crimes, including the online sexual exploitation of children and trafficking into cyber-scamming. 

David’s Christian faith was a key driver in his appointment, alongside more than 30 years of experience within the private sector through senior management roles in banking and financial services, as well as leading BNP Paribas Securities Services in Australia and New Zealand as CEO.

Serving at church and other ministries has complemented his private sector experience, as has his experience as the Chair of the Council of tara Anglican School for Girls for nine years and his experience as a current Board Member for both Olive Tree media and CRU. 

IJM Australia Chair, Dr Lindsay McMillan, said Mr Braga’s diverse experience will be key to success in his new role.

“Mr. Braga’s career experience, not-for-profit engagement, and strategic approach make him a perfect fit for leading IJM Australia and growing Australia’s global leadership and investment in ending slavery and exploitation of the world’s most vulnerable people,” Dr McMillan said.

On his appointment, David said that he was “impressed by IJM’s proven model and long-term success in rescuing and restoring people, repairing broken justice systems to stop violent abusers, and making communities safe in some of the most vulnerable places in the world.” 

Congratulations David on your new position and your contribution to this valuable work. 

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