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News > Alumni Spotlight > Old Boy’s Art Donation

Old Boy’s Art Donation

In March this year, Trinity’s Delmar Gallery presented the exhibition, ‘From Near and Far’, featuring work from eight professional artists from Trinity’s own Alumni community. 

Those featured in the exhibition represented multiple graduation years between 1967 and 2004, with work by Greg Hyde (’67), Gary Woods (’67), Henry Lewis (’75), Randall Sinnamon (’87), Anthony Springford (’93), Andrei Davidoff (’00), Hamish Campbell (’03), and Sach Catts (’04).

Two pieces of this Alumni art  were donated to the Trinity Grammar School Art Collection, including one piece purchased and donated by Roderick Seeto, himself an Old Boy from ‘91. 

These pieces are as follows: 

Randall Sinnamon ‘87, Monday in the Studio 2016, watercolour, ink and collage 

Donated by Roderick Seeto ‘91 


Hamish Campbell ‘03, The Port IV 2018, from the series Life among the Twin Calderas, gelatin silver print. 

Donated by the artist. 


Thank you Roderick and Hamish for your generous donations, enriching the TGS Art Collection and supporting the ongoing dedication to art at Trinity. 


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